What to expect:

• Your eyelids may be slightly swollen for 24-72 hours, which is normal.

• To relieve swelling, apply a soft gel ice pack and take Ibuprofen or Benadryl as needed.

• Do not pick or peel any scabs.

• Swelling and redness should decrease within 24-48 hours.


• On the first night, splash your eyes with water to remove any pigment residue. Gently pat dry with a clean tissue or towel.

• Wash the skin around the eyes twice daily (morning and night) using a gentle, unscented soap. Use your fingertips to cleanse gently, and pat dry with a clean

• Apply the provided aftercare product 2-3 times a day for up to 14 days for eyeliner (omit for lash line enhancement). Avoid petroleum-based products.

• Avoid using chemical exfoliants or heavy creams on the eyes, as they may cause fading.

• The color may fade approximately 30-50% when the scabs fall off, which is normal. Additional color can be added during the touch-up session.

Things to avoid:

• Avoid activities that cause sweating for three days.

• For two weeks, avoid applying any makeup to the eye area.

• Do not scratch or remove scabs, dry skin, or flakiness, as it may result in color loss.

• Avoid using Vaseline, Neosporin, and other petroleum-based products.

• Refrain from swimming in pools, hot tubs, or other bodies of water.

• Stay away from UV exposure, including tanning booths.

• Avoid laser light therapy.